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Global Economy Likely to Withstand Coronavirus

In recent weeks, news headlines have been dominated by the coronavirus outbreak, which has infected nearly 80,000 people and resulted in more than 2,600 deaths, according to the World Health Organization.

In China, the epicenter of the outbreak, factories have closed, travel has screeched to a halt and supply chains have been disrupted. As the virus spreads (South Korea, Iran and Italy are also reporting cases), other countries have taken similar precautionary measures, further intensifying the economic impact.

No one knows for sure how severe the fallout will ultimately be – that will take several more weeks to determine – but a few aches and pains are in store over the short term. Further out, however, global markets and economies will likely prove resilient. There are two reasons for this:

Sarah Goldberg
Sarah Goldberg

Sarah is a seasoned financial market expert with a decade of experience. She's known for her analytical skills, attention to detail, and ability to communicate complex financial concepts. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Finance, is a licensed financial advisor, and enjoys reading and traveling in her free time.

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